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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Welcome to Stylenutt Boutique!

Updated: Nov 1, 2017

Let me be the first to welcome you to our boutique! It really means a lot that you clicked over to say "hi." Stylenutt might be a new boutique, but it has really been around for years.

Let's take a step back a couple of years to 2013. I was living in San Francisco, working a lot (at weird hours, might I add) and I needed a hobby. A lot of days when I got off work, I would immediately head to the mall. I had so many clothes, my closet, which was huge for SF standards, was packed full. I loved, and still do, putting outfits together, figuring out how to be trendy on a budget, and I wanted to share that with people. So, I started Stylenutt. I made an Instagram, and a Tumblr, and I started blogging.

I use the term "blogging" loosely. I was never that serious about it. I mostly just posted my outfits on Instagram everyday and where I purchased the clothes. Some days I posted, other days I didn't.

Flash forward to 2017.

I still have the same mentality: I post to Instagram when I can. I still use the word "blogging" sparingly. But a few months ago something clicked. Selling my old clothes on Poshmark wasn't enough. I wanted to do something more. I've followed online boutiques for years. I've seen different ways items are worn, marketed, and sold. I've had enough experience in retail to know that I can open up my own shop and I can do it well.

This isn't about making money. This isn't about quitting my full-time job, or even quitting my part-time job. (Yes, I'm busy.) This is about giving you a way to unique get clothes, that's easy for you to shop. This is about sharing my passion for looking good and feeling good in clothes, with each and every one of you.

Everything I purchase or pick out is something I would wear. On this blog, you'll see how I pair items together, and where I would wear them. You'll be able to read about trends. I encourage you to reach out to me. Give me your feedback. Tell me what you like, what you didn't, and what you'd want to see for sale in the shop. There are no limits here. We are all in this together.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for following. Let's shop!

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