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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

So Long, 2018!

HELLO 2019.

I’m usually not one to get excited about New Year’s. I feel it’s more of an annoyance than a reset and rejuvenation period. I never was a fan of going out and celebrating. It scared me to be out on the roads. Maybe it’s my ripe old age of 29—but I just would always prefer a quiet night in. I would never think too much about the New Year. It was just another day.

But this year is different, I’m excited to take on the new year. It’s not that 2018 was terrible, I just am so excited to set some goals, meet those goals and see where everything goes next year.

It’s nice to feel excited about the possibility of changes in the new year. Stylenutt has really killed it in 2018. I’ve learned so much. I’ve branched out and tried new things. I’ve gotten to know so many great business owners.

So, here’s what’s in store for 2019.

First up-- MORE SIZES! I have been wanting to add more sizes since I started but it just wasn’t in the cards right off the bat. I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from everyone at pop-ups and friends that plus sizes and more sizes are needed. So, we’re going to make it happen. This will be a slow implementation process, after all it’s just me running this ship, but I promise this will be worth it.

Second—MORE POPUPS! I already have TWO popups booked for 2019. And while that may not seem like a lot, I’m excited to have these already booked. They are a lot of work on my end, but the payoff is great. Being able to be out there and meet all of you is really so fantastic, I hope you’ll come join me at these shows.

Third—MORE BLOGS! This is a little one and not the most exciting, but I’m really looking forward to writing more about each piece. That was something I wanted to do when I relaunched the blog on Stylenutt’s first anniversary. I want to have a conversation with you about each item in the shop. But I’ll be honest, life just got in the way. I’m hoping that in 2019 I can be more organized with these and really give you more details about what you’re getting. After all, you are shopping online (unless you only shop my pop ups) and it’s hard to know exactly what you’re getting. I’m really going to aim for twice a week to be posting and each blog will feature 2-3 pieces in the shop.

Here are some of my favorite items from 2018:

I’m excited for 2019 and I hope you’ll stick with me through it all.

Happy New Year!



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